At A.Ss.I.S.T., we receive hundreds of inquiries each month via our WhatsApp helplines to respond to a wide range of concerns, to liaise with and refer inquirers to services essential to their well-being and to provide them with our legal aid services.

We provided this service without interruption over the COVID lockdowns (2020 and 2021), and we are currently developing a strategy to assure the continuation of our information and referral services into the future.

Our WhatsApp helplines are operated by international volunteers, supported by a team of on-call interpreters, all of whom are of asylum seeker backgrounds, and with the support of legal counsel to respond to questions requiring their expertise.

We provide:

1. Information on the asylum procedures
2. Digital factsheets and links to on-line information services
3. Information on services available to asylum seekers and refugees.

Our Team members confer with lawyers and/or conduct research to ensure accurate and up-to-date information and respond to a wide range of enquiries related to procedures and practical concerns.

Inquiries are received and information is provided in the client’s preferred language. Currently, interpretation/translation services are available in 10 languages other than English and Greek: namely, Amharic, Arabic, Dari/Farsi, French, Krio, Lingala, Somali, Tigrinya, Twi and Urdu. Remotes interpreters are also required occasionally in Bengali, Portuguese and Spanish.