“If we are to claim the rights that civil law gives to us or to perform the obligations that it imposes on us, it is important to know what our rights and obligations are. Otherwise we cannot claim the rights or perform the obligations. It is not much use being entitled to… ” for example, international protection “… if you cannot reasonably easily discover your entitlement and how you set about claiming it. Equally you cannot perform a duty ….. unless you know what you are meant to do. ”
– Tom Bingham in ‘The Rule of Law’ 2010
At A.Ss.I.S.T., we are committed to upholding fundamental human rights. For over five years, through a holistic, trauma-informed approach to service delivery, we have been supporting and continue to support asylum seekers and refugees throughout Greece with free information and legal services.
Recognising their vulnerability and respecting their autonomy, we prioritise marginalised groups, providing tailored support to overcome the many challenges that they face daily. Our partnerships extend beyond legal aid to offer essential services for well-being and integration.
Our Mission is to provide fair and just access to asylum and social integration procedures, assisting asylum seekers and refugees with legal and welfare issues.
Our Vision is to be agents of hope and contribute to a better life for asylum seekers and refugees by adapting to change and making meaningful differences.
Our Values are
- Accountability: Responsible to clients, team members, and supporters.
- Care: Acknowledging trauma, showing kindness and respect to clients and team members.
- Fairness: Facilitating fair and equitable access to information and legal services.
- Honesty and Diligence: Attentive to detail, overcoming cultural and language challenges.
We have recently streamlined our operations lowering overheads and running costs for efficient service delivery. Our lawyers, on-call interpreter translators supporting 11 languages with real-time interpreting services working with our managers and lawyers to provide a fast, professional client service that is responsive to our clients needs and honest and diligent in assuring the provision of reliable information and legal assistance.
Asylum Seekers Information Services Team
care of
Verein für konkrete Flüchtlingshilfe.
(Association for tangible help for Refugees)
Account Number:
91 479106 6
CH85 0900 0000 9147 9106 6
It is essential to mention ‘A.Ss.I.S.T.’ in all transfers.
From January 1 to December 31, 2024, 62,119 individuals arrived in Greece seeking international protection, according to UNHCR statistics. Of these, 54,417 reached the Greek islands via the western Turkish coast, while 7,702 crossed through land borders. This represents a sharp increase of more than 20% compared to 2023, when 48,721 people sought asylum in Greece. In total, 13,397 more individuals arrived in 2024 than in the previous year. Tragically, 125 individuals were reported dead or missing during these perilous journeys in 2024.
This significant rise in arrivals has placed immense pressure on already strained resources. Many asylum seekers face inadequate living conditions and limited access to essential services. These gaps highlight systemic challenges in providing the support services required to meet the basic needs of those seeking international protection.
While their courage and resilience inspire admiration and commitment, the worsening state of services leaves us deeply disheartened. The statistics serve as a stark reminder of the need to address these ongoing issues and ensure dignity and safety for all.
Statistics source: UNHCR, accessed 4 January 2024. [https://data.unhcr.org/en/situations/europe-sea-arrivals/location/24489]
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